Photos: Virginia De (Alienata)

The Berlin-based DJ, producer and label owner Alienata grew up in the Spanish city of Murcia, where she later studied philosophy at the regional university. More interested in music and collectivity than believing in the egoism of hedonism, she tried to apply philosophy to music in the sense that music should affect you on an emotional level. „Once I played a set, and a fan came up to me excitedly and said I was alienated!“, she explains the origin of her pseudonym. The feeling of alienation from sounds that you haven’t previously enountered is exactly what she as a DJ tries to convey in her sets. She quotes the ground-breaking The Art of Noises manifesto by the Italian futurist Luigi Russolo as an inspiration, particularly the notion that „[w]e must break out of this limited circle of rounds and conquer the infinite variety of noise-sounds“.

As a producer, Alienata is a perfectionist, as indicated by her relatively small output. So far, she has only released three tracks. Having collaborated with Sync 24 for a contribution to Killekill’s Killekill Megahits III, she teamed up with Beta Evers for a split on her own Disco Atónicos label, a track that channels the rich tradition of the city in which it had been produced – Chicago. We caught up with Alienata to talk about her early days as a DJ, finding a family in the Berlin club scene and her involvement in the upcoming Krake festival.



How did it all start with electronic music for you?
Back in 2000, I first came in contact with electronic music thanks to my roommate in Murcia. She worked at a record shop with all types of music, but mainly electronic stuff. I was helping her at the record shop. She had a room full of vinyl in the building where we lived together. Almost every weekend, she was heading off to a gig with her band. So I was alone at home and had time to check out all the vinyl. I listened to nearly every record. There was ambient stuff, micro house and when I discovered Chicago house and Drexciya’s music, it caught me.

Was 2000 the year you started DJing?
No. I was willing to learn how to DJ but I did not feel comfortable to play in clubs at this time, I felt happier at home listening to post-punk, new wave, psychedelic, or melodic guitar music. I collect music on vinyl mostly for home listening. However, two years later I had my first gig at a friend’s party, playing stuff by Ibrahim Alfa and Chicago house. 2004 was the first time that I was booked for a club, Ocio in Murcia.

How was the club scene in Murcia?
At this time in Murcia there big parties in huge clubs going on, like the Moss Club. I-F used to play there. When I first saw him and listened to his set, in which he went from disco to electro, I was overwhelmed.

Do you have other artists to whom you look up to besides I-F?
There are a lot of artists who influenced me and who are still influencing me. But when I have to name another one, Traxx from Chicago and his Label Nation are really from an unknown planet. When you listen to his sets and I-F’s it is more than just a set, it is an experience that takes you in another dimension you never explored before.

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