After what I have witnessed over the years, and continue to witness, one of the main objectives of „Minimal Detroit“ is to provide youth services in Detroit. We are going to open small youth centers that teach life and business lessons, not music or basketball but real life, in the real world. We will also teach mutual respect that we respect them, and they respect us. I want to educate these kids about diet and how it can help with health.

A picture taken at the The Heidelberg Project (another community organization engaged in art and eduction) last fall in Detroit of toys sitting in front of a fake TV (Photo: The Heidelberg Project).

I want them to understand the media is not always what it seems, and its messages are not always sincere. Our young people will be rewarded with a special „Minimal Detroit“ annual event for 11 – 17s that they can be involved in planning, programming and running. I am actually looking forward to that the most, to see kids making their own decisions, and importantly for them to see us empowering them. An event for young people, by young people. We want to have 12-year old entrepreneurs with their own businesses and business plans, showing them they count in the world, and that they can make a difference. We want to teach them about other cultures by bringing inner city kids from around the world to meet each other and learn.

„Minimal Detroit“ is so much more than a powerful music institution, it actually has a beating heart that loves and cares about people before and after the party.

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