Tracks gibt es wie Sand am Meer. Vor allem im digitalen Zeitalter, in dem dank Soundcloud und Ableton der Pool an möglichen Produzent*innen stetig wächst. Doch was aus dieser unendlichen Menge an Musik bewegt die DJs und Dancefloors von heute? Wo sind die wahren Schätze versteckt? Dieser Frage widmen wir uns Woche für Woche und holen den Rat der maßgeblichen DJs der Szene ein. Wir stellen Euch jede Woche drei DJ-Charts und die Verkaufs-Charts eines Stores oder Vertriebs vor. Zweimonatlich versammeln wir die dreißig wichtigsten Releases und die zehn wichtigsten Alben des Monats.

Dieses Mal mit Marie Montexier von der Warning-Crew, Figure-Produzenten Pablo Mateo, Cosmo Rhythmatic-Kurator Shapednoise und dem Kölner Groove Attack Recordstore. Wie immer in alphabetischer Reihenfolge.

Marie Montexier

Marie Montexier. (Foto: Privat)


1. Jeigo – Flurella (Ex-Terrestrial Remix)  [Air miles]
2. Client_03 – 1nce Again [Astrophonica]
3. Sohrab – Tweaker [Marginal Returns]
4. Space Cadets – Skill Shot [Seven Hills]
5. Suvatne – Vitamin D [Sunlab]
6. Deesigner – Too Many LFOs [YAPPIN]
7. Tammo – It Is Not Entirely (Straightforward) [Nous’klaer Audio]
8. Ronan – Dream portal [Planet Euphorique]
9. Furious Frank Feat. Ivy Barkakati – Ahora Sí (D. Tiffany Remix) [Butter Sessions]
10. Your Planet Is Next – U.F.O. [Warning]


1. Brain Pilot – Cerebral Navigators: Anthology 1993-1997  [Kalahari Oyster Cult]
2. J-Zbel – Dog’s Fart Is So Bad The Cat Throws Up  [Brothers From Different Mothers]
3. Priori – On A Nimbus [NAFF]

Pablo Mateo

Pablo Mateo. (Foto: Veronica Natter)


1. Adiel – Musicofilia [Ara]
2. JakoJako – Resilienz [Leisure System]
3. Seph – Symbol [Insurgentes]
4. Mike Parker – Voice Two [Geophone]
5. Kosei Fukuda – Sky Clair [Reiten]
6. Donato Dozzy – 12H.5 (Remix) [Spazio Disponibile]
7. Wittgenstein – The South [Entkunstung]
8. Rod Modell – Scrawler [Tresor]
9. Wata Igarashi – Kioku [The Bunker New York]
10. Clark – Piano E.C.S.T. [Throttle]


1. Ulwhednar – Razor Mesh Fencing [Northern Electronics]
2. Lorn – Drown The Traitor Within [Wednesdaysound]
3. Pablo Mateo – Weird Reflections Beyond The Sky [Figure]


Shapednoise (Foto: Leonardo Scotti)


1. Kim Gordon – Sketch Artist [Matador]
2. Slowthai X Denzel Curry – Psycho [This is Forever]
3.TNGHT – Serpent [Warp/Lucky Me]
4. SOPHIE – Pretend World (Shop Front) [Transgressive Records, Future Classic]
5. VTSS – Bring The Noise [Repitch Recordings]
6. JPEGMAFIA – JPEGMAFIA Type Beat [EQT Recordings]
7. Debby Friday – Good And Evil [Deathbomb Arc]
8. Aisha Devi – Two Serpents (33EMYBW Remix) [Houndstooth]
9. rRoxymore – Some Else Memory [Don’t Be Afraid]
10. Complete Walkthru – Getting Ridiculus [Numbers]

1. Emtyset – Blossoms [Thrill Jockey]
2. Kim Gordon – No Home Record [Matador]
3. Dean Hurley – Anthology Resource Vol. II: Philosophy of Beyond [Sacred Bones]

Groove Attack Recordstore

Foto: Groove Attack Recordstore. (Foto: Elastique)

Verkaufs-Charts für EPs:

1. Theo Parrish – What You Gonna Ask For [Sound Signature]
2. Hans Nieswandt Feat. Eric D. Clark – The Protest Disco EP [Footjob]
3. Hodini – The Untitled EP [Wolf Music]
4. Move D & Pete Namlook – Reissued 1 [Away]
5. Jimi Tenor & Freestyle Man – Are We It? [Studio Barnhus]
6. Erobique – Limited White Label Vinyl [Lehult Sub]
7. Christian S – Tannin [Permanent Vacation]
8. Four Tet – Anna Painting [Text]
9. Aki Aki – Dishjockey EP [Camdomble]
10. Nelson Of The East – Phase Altering Lines [Tartelet]

Verkauf-Charts für LPs:

1. Jeen Bassa – Cassava Pone [22a]
2. Byron The Aquarius – Astral Traveling [Mutual Intentions]
3. Shakti – Verboden Droomen [Stroom]

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Nächster ArtikelMein Plattenschrank: Luke Slater