Pascal FEOS (Foto: Privat)

Von Fazemag-Herausgeber Sven Schäfer erreicht uns gestern dieses offizielle Statement zum Tod von Pascal FEOS, das wir vollständig und umkommentiert wiedergeben:

„Am Samstag, den 9. Mai 2020 haben wir unseren lieben Pascal vollkommen unerwartet und viel zu früh an den Krebs verloren. Wir sind immer noch gelähmt vom bitteren Schmerz des plötzlichen Verlustes unseres geliebten Sohns, Bruders, Freundes, Kollegen und Wegbegleiters. Die Trauer ist groß und wir vermissen ihn sehr. Pascal liebte und lebte für die elektronische Musik wie kaum jemand anderes und hinterlässt uns ein gewaltiges musikalisches Lebenswerk mit vielen noch unveröffentlichten Werken.

Pascal FEOS, Resistance D, Aural Float, Sonic Infusion…

Es gibt nicht viele Produzenten, die als Pionier der ersten Stunde gelten und bereits im Alter von 52 Jahren ein so umfangreiches und vielseitiges Erbe hinterlassen. Danke Pascal, dass Du uns nicht nur musikalisch, sondern auch menschlich ein Vorbild warst. Deine Herzlichkeit und Fairness, deinen Humor und deine Ehrlichkeit werden wir nie vergessen. Deine Musik wird in uns weiterleben!

‚Music was always my navigator through time and space for years! Imagine no sound ever touched your ears?!? Like being alone on Mars, forever banned.‘ – Pascal FEOS, 2020

Wir möchten uns für die Anteilnahme, Treue und Loyalität aus der ganzen Welt bedanken. Wir haben für Beileidsbekundungen und die Unterstützung der Fortführung seines musikalischen Erbes eine E-Mail Adresse eingerichtet:”

Am 9. Mai und in den folgenden Tagen teilten viele Künstler*innen der Szene ihre Gefühle und Gedanken zu Pascal FEOS‘ Tod. Wir haben einige Beileidsbekundungen ausgewählt:

“Dear Pascal, and now you too!😔
I am stunned and infinitely sad when I heard that you passed away the other night. I am thankful that I spent so many wonderful years with you. We experienced the 1990s very intensively together. You have impressed Frankfurt and the rest of the world with your Techno-Trance productions. With your Resistance D and Sonic Infusion projects on our Labels – Harthouse and EYE Q Records you were a big STAR! We spent the best time together, countless parties and sweaty nights, at the Omen Club , Dorian Gray, XS, Tresor, Warehouse, Love Parade … and around the world! I’ve always seen you as a very kind and hardworking person. Very determined and curious about the new. Our evenings with Mark Spoon,
Heiko M / S / O and DJ Good Groove were legendary. Thanks Pascal, I hope you have something to celebrate on the Frankfurt cloud ☁️ 🎼 up there now. 🥁🎇
I miss you all very much. ❣️🖤❣️
In these difficult times, I wish the family and their relatives my deepest condolences and strength. 🙏
Rest in peace dear Pascal, you will always be with us in our heart. 🖤🎼❤️Sven Väth

„Pascal war einer der deutschen Trance Pioniere und Mitbegründer der deutschen House & Techno Welt. Er war immer zurückhaltend und bescheiden, für mich einer der ganz großen DJs & Produzenten. „Cosmic Love” war 1992 Vorreiter für so vieles, was kommen würde. Ich hatte das Glück, Pascal 1990 im Omen kennenzulernen. Viele Partys und Festivals folgten gemeinsam in den letzten 30 Jahren – weltweit. Danke Pascal.” DJ Hell

„Pascal FEOS … 💔 I can’t believe we lose another legendary contributor to our rave history too soon … I learnt DJing with your tracks, Resistance D live performances still remain one of my strongest raving experience … What a sad time for us all now … All my feelings to my German fellows and everyone who knew and loved this Gentle Man.” Miss Kittin

„Good bye, Pascal Feos! I’ve met you for the first time in 1991, shortly after your first release as Resistance D (together with Maik Maurice Diehl) when i interviewed you for GROOVE-Magazin. With your first releases you were shaping the face of the first wave of Trance music in the early 90s, when this genre was still authentic and innovative. Later, producing solo, your name was standing for a constant flow of timeless quality Techno. Around 2 months ago we had the first contact after at least 7-8 years, i called you and we agreed on the plan to re-release an old track of yours. Two weeks ago then, after longer radio silence, you sent that message out of the hospital that boded ill and now you are suddenly gone. You will be missed! <3” DJ T.

„Apparently Pascal FEOS has died, what a pity. I got into electronic music pretty much through listening to his HR3 Clubnight Sets in the late 90s, owe him my taste for the harder edge of loopy techno. Rest in Power!” Michail Stangl

„I still remember the feeling the first time I met my idol Pascal FEOS. It was back in 1993 at a Rave in Hannover at the legendary Weltspiele location and to say that I was nervous to finally share the stage with him is an understatement. I was startled in the presence of this man. To be able to watch him from close while he was creating the most intense and powerful Techno music influenced my career in many ways. He was a pioneer of our sound and a true master of his art, both as a producer and DJ. Pascal shaped the highly influential “Sound Of Frankfurt” of the 90s like no one else with his incredible talent and continued to produce cutting edge tracks throughout his entire career.
I had the honour to get to know Pascal Dardoufas later on in life, a truly humble and kind soul. Techno and music in general connected our lives and whenever our paths crossed we bonded, which led to a release on his label Planet Vision in 2002 together with Toby Izui. It is a record I still consider it a highlight of my career. I have many vivid memories of us talking, laughing, raving – which I will cherish for the rest of my life.” Thomas Schuhmacher

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