
GROOVE Podcast 444 – Bjarki

Bjarki steps up for this year’s first issue of our podcast series. His versatile mix starts with lush breakbeats and picks up pace in the second half, mirroring the course of a new year’s eve after hour that leads all the way back into a club before the hangover sets in.

What did you have in mind when recording this mix?


Where did you record it, and which setup did you use?

In Latvia. Ableton Live, Traktor, Rekordbox and some fancy stuff.

What’s the most memorable gig you’ve played so far?

K41 in Kyiv. Bombay Beach in California and Buxur in Iceland.

Can you name a secret weapon that you use frequently?

Untold – Doff.

Three recent releases that caught your attention?

Rhyw’s techno reinventions, Ikävä Pii stuff, ex.girls & in3dee – Uppsala.

What do you have coming up?

A Hellthier Lifestyle.

Track list:

Bjarki – Guardian Of Auras
Coil – Windowpane
Landstrumm – Minimoo
Severed Heads – All Saint’s Day
Cabasa – Ancient Forest
Boddika – Basement
Rrose x Polygonia – Ellipses
Rhyw – Drool
In3dee & Þorlákur – Unreleased
Koehler & Kuno – Anti Gravity Switch (A Made Up Sound Remix)
Untold – Doff
Prince – Make Up
Henry Greenleaf – Brawn
Human Movement – Breath Deep
Bjarki – Unreleased
AtomTM – Nix
Databomb – Should be sleeping v5b
Meira Asher & Guy Harries – Torture – Bodyparts
Ikävä Pii – Paradigms
Scanner – Emily
SV1 – emerald (ft. 00ff1a) (KAVARI Remix)
Autechre – Bronchus One.1
Bjarki – Unreleased
Boulderhead – I Need Space (ft Overnite Oates)
Bjarki – Unreleased
Bjarki – Unreleased
Bjarki – Unreleased
Rosa Mundi (John Balance & Rose McDowall) – The Snow Man
Hymodia – Hátíð fer að höndum ein

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