
GROOVE Podcast 431: Severja

It’s already ten years since Jacopo Severitano conceived Midgar, one of underground electronic music’s most cherished labels in all things deep, subtle, and percussive. Starting out with Wata Igarashi’s Junctions, the label has hosted artists like Forest Drive West, Priori, and Polygonia, being a platform for techno and breaks that goes far beyond a strictly functional approach.

As you can hear in his mix for our podcast series, the label founder Severja also represents this ethos when he steps up to the decks. Plus, he doesn’t quite fancy what he called „next-song-mentality“ in an interview once: The tracks are being granted the necessary time to unfold before they make space for the next atmospheric roller, evoking imagery of trippy open air gatherings in the nature such as Solstice or, well, Monument Festival.

What did you have in mind when recording this mix?

I tried to express my vision of leftfield ambient techno & house, at a slow pace. I tried something different as I’ve seen too much fast music these days.

Where did you record it and which setup did you use?

At my friend’s place in Lyon, I used 3 CDJ’s and a delay effect.

What’s the most memorable gig you played so far?

Hard to say, but this year’s Monument Festival landing set at the second stage after Wata Igarashi closed the main stage was special, and very emotional.

Can you name a secret weapon that you use frequently?

Any track from Tano, incredible producer! Check this one out.

Three recent releases that caught your attention?

Beautiful new Amenthia Recordings by Konduku.
This collab between Polygonia & Rrose.
A dreamy one by Katatonic Silentio.

What do you have coming up?

I’m playing at Ouroboros Festival in the Cantal region of France this weekend, closing the Saturday night after Aa Sudd. I just received the test pressing of the next Midgar, by OK EG, we will see it on the shelves around mid-October. There’s a few gigs lined up till the end of the year. I’m going to go back to Australia for a tour in December, then to Asia for a couple of weeks, excited to return! This year marked Midgar’s 10th Anniversary, and we’ve celebrated with many label nights. A few more will happen till the end of the year.

Track listing:

Enitokwa – SSAB
McGregor – Clean Lines
Plebeian – Honeydew
Sciama – Emergent Forms
Tano – Body, Hands
Metamatics – 8 Bit Caravan
dBridge, Forest Drive West – Van Mij
Notte Infinita – Ion (Tool Mix)
MirrorLake – Mira
Nautil – Canopee
Osamu Kimoto – RYŪJIN
Even Tuell – Untitled B1
Caldera – Solar Sunrise
Lukas Urban – A Glass of Empty Rooms
Monolake – Linear
Driftmachine – Soon I Will Disappear
The Future Sound Of London – Nuru Device Send

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