
NINA KRAVIZ on inspiration

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A German translation of this column has been published in Groove 151 (November/December 2014)

A few days ago I found a couple of old letters. A young man and a young woman exchanging what they feel for each other. An innocent natural flow of emotions carefully put on paper.. It is obvious that those two are only at the very beginning of their story. Their hearts are wide open, yet fragile. Everything is unknown. They are curious but not afraid. Everything flows easily and there is no need for additional pressure. Things happen just like that – unforced, just because they feel right. They don’t know much about each other yet it feels like something great is coming. Purity is liberating. Freedom is inspiring and generates a lot of energy. Naked skin and no expectations. More actions than thoughts. The time is now and all you need is to just go for it. A beginner’s mood.


„Inspiration is only connected to the core, to the true and very raw essence.“


I got very sentimental. What a drastic change happened to me! I guess it happens to many of us over time. How can things be so different from how they were in the beginning? How did the mood of the early days disappear? Not only in love stories but also in music or art? When suddenly it’s not so easy anymore to transmit feelings like we used to when we put them into melodies so naturally, pouring every little piece of ourselves into them? It is probably normal. Days go by. Things happen. Different things happen. Good and bad. They come with a lot of expectations and judgements. Experience is good. That’s how you grow. But it also makes you grow a thick skin very fast. This thick skin is heavy but it is obligatory in order to survive. Well, they say it is. A thick skin can also feel nice and safe. You can expect no risks when you create such a comfort zone for yourself, but also not much inspiration. Because inspiration needs fresh air and is very sensitive to thick skin. Inspiration is honest and requires taking risks. My muse runs away from the pressure of planning. She is an open-minded lady and tolerates no pressure or fear of judgement. Inspiration is only connected to the core, to the true and very raw essence. Creative flow starts somewhere in a state of purity. Those letters made me reflect a bit. Maybe thick skin grows just as a reminder for you to peel it off at one moment and bring out the true beginner in you. One more time. Many more times. Just to be true to your real self. Shake off the dust and try to keep the curious child inside of yourself alive.

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