
THE WURST WEEK EVER Seven days of Wurst Music podcasts

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In 2006, Roy Dank started to release a series of obscure disco and house edits that were as hot and greasy as the frankfurters at the hot dog stall around the corner. Called The Wurst Edits, this limited run of twelve inches became the foundation on which Dank built a whole Wurst empire. Five years on, The Wurst Music Co. is releasing some of the most inspiring house music on the planet and its spin-off The Wurst Editions is selling neatly designed t-shirts and tight shorts to the disco masses.

To celebrate the release of it’s first compilation The Wurst Music Ever, the label has launched The Wurst Week Ever – a series of seven podcasts that will be published on seven different websites for seven days in a row. We’re very happy that we have been chosen to kick off the proceedings with the first mix by the mysterious Chicago Damn. Tommorrow’s podcast will be hosted by URB.


Download: Chicago DamnThe Wurst Week Ever Podcast Vol. 01

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