
Irakli: GROOVE Podcast 422

Irakli moved to Berlin in the early tens and has significantly shaped the city’s scene ever since. Be it as a co-founder of the notorious daytime party series STAUB at ://about:blank, as a forward-thinking and idiosyncratic producer with a deep understanding of techno’s ancestry, or, probably first and foremost, as a DJ.

Although he has a knack for melancholic listening music, the Georgian’s sets usually brim with danceable, uncompromising techno–exactly like his contribution to our podcast series that starts with Patrick Cowley only to arrive at Stanislav Tolkachev in no time.

What did you have in mind when recording this mix?

The meme „Math Lady“ or „Confused Lady“.

Where did you record it and which setup did you use?

A Xone mixer, two CDJs and two turntables.

What’s the most memorable gig you played so far?

There have been so many of them that I could easily write a book. Probably the craziest dance floors were a few years back at the iN Club in Baku, Azerbaijan, and the club Reflector in Kutaisi, Georgia, along with many other wild places around the globe, all filled with insane energy.

Can you name a secret weapon that you use frequently?

Reeko – Screem ‚N‘ Cry, Stanislav Tolkachev – Sometimes Everything is Wrong.

Three recent releases that caught your attention?

1) Axel Toben – Tombo
2) FaltyDL – In The Wake Of Wolves
3) PWCCA – Cultura

What do you have coming up?

I am currently working on several exciting projects, but none are ready to be announced just yet. Stay tuned!


Patrick Cowley – Nightcrawler
Giri – La Stanza nella Mente
Ma Haiping – Core Pulse
Stanislav Tolkachev – I Believe We Did
Singular Anomalies – Latent Heat
Arthur Robert – Kepler
Staffan Linzatti and Jonas Kopp – CO.LAB 009C
MSDMNR – Supernova
ASEC – Orbital
Ike Dusk – Blynken (Unified Method Remix)
Tensal – Nemesis
MAL_HOMBRE – Optical
Rhys Fulber – Fall Awake
Müzmin – Satte
Humanoid Gods – No Correlation
Seb Wildblood – Re-location.zip

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